Dear Trinity Family,

Grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I’m sometimes asked why we “stand and confess our common faith in the words of” either the Apostles,  Nicene or Athanasian Creed during our worship service. It’s actually not as uncommon of a question as one may think. There are many churches that don’t use the Creeds, and there are many Christians who don’t know what the historic Creeds of the Christian churches are. Some will go as far as to reject the Creeds, saying that they run contrary to the principle of Sola Scriptura  (Scripture Alone), which was one of the rallying cries of the Reformation.

So why do we join together to recite the words of the Ecumenical Creeds during our service?

We recognize that Creeds and Confessions are not contrary to Scripture Alone. We see Scripture as our source of truth, and our Creeds and Confessions as an expression of Truth. God, through His Spirit, in the form of divine inspiration, provides us the Bible. It is the only document that He does provide for us in this manner. As such, it is “breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:16-17) Our Creeds, on the other hand, are an expression of what the Scriptures teach with regard to God, and the Christian faith.

Since the earliest days of the church we have seen Creeds used, and they even appear in the Scriptures. In Deuteronomy 6:4, for example, we find the short creed, “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.” Paul provides us a creed in 1 Corinthians 8:6.  When the body of believers adopts a creed it is to keep the teachings of the church pure, and to guard it against heresies, providing a succinct statement of what it is that we believe, teach, confess. It is a statement that unifies us in our belief and tells the world that this is fundamental to who we are in our faith. Without these our Creeds we can easily find that the church can deviate, allowing for a host of different beliefs, and heresies, including the ancient heresies our Creeds were meant to guard us against, and that have begun to resurface in the modern world.

I thank God we are part of a historic Christian tradition that values and cherishes the Creeds, continuing to confess them each Sunday with a united voice.

I look forward to seeing you tonight at 6:00 pm for movie night.

In Him,

Pastor Wyatt

The first movie night was a success.  Mark your calendar, invite your friends for the next movie night:  July 22.  The movie will be Sight N Sound Theaters’ JOSEPH!!
To learn more about the Sight N Sound productions:  visit their website: 

Remember: if you are unable to join us in person for Sunday Service:
the service will be life streaming on Facebook, beginning at 9:30