Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Earlier this week I was meeting with someone, another pastor. During this conversation, he asked me a question and it really called on me to reflect on Trinity and, as I did, I couldn’t help but think how good God really is, how incredible God really is. He has placed our little church, with its wonderful people, in the heart of a community that needs it, that them, and He did so Christ could be preached.
I want you to think about that for a moment. When the Holy Spirit brought together the people who founded Trinity just over a hundred ago, God didn’t just look at that moment in time. When they broke ground on the land where our building stands today, He didn’t just look at that moment in time either. God looked and He saw us worshipping and glorifying Him today. He had and has a purpose.
We have to just remain faithful, listening to the stirring of His Spirit, ready to do His will and His calling, reaching a community around us in desperate need of their Savior.
And that isn’t always going to be easy. We know from our studies in Acts that the church reaching out into the world for Christ often meets with frustrations and difficulties. There are challenges that it faces. But the Spirit is with us. Where the Spirit, and where the people are faithful and obedient to Him, the Word of the Lord grows.
So this week I want you to be thinking about the ministries of Trinity. I want you to pray for Trinity. I want you to pray that we worship God in spirit and truth. I want you to pray that God uses us as His church according to His purposes and that we listen to that calling in humble obedience to Him.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday for worship.
Now may the peace of the Lord that surpasses all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus even unto life everlasting.
In Him,
Pastor Wyatt
Beginning Saturday, October 28th @ 11
Pr. Wyatt will be leading Bible Study Class on Prayer
This is an opportunity to have any questions you have about prayer addressed.
Please email any questions you have to Pr. Wyatt. Questions may also be submitted at the church
A big thank you to Pastor Wyatt, Mary, Cory, Karen P., Joe & Charlotte, Dianne, Ray & Karen, Rolf & Dottie, Martha, Pepe & Leo, Ryan, Randy & Sherrie for getting all the weeds removed from the Rental Property.
Also, thanks to Kim for the delicious lunch.
October Activities:
Mondays @ 7pm
Adult Bible Study
All are welcome to join Lance in a study of the book of John
Wednesdays 5-7pm
Kid’s Klub
Thursday Mornings:
8:30: Prayer Group Meets
9:30: Women’s Bible Study. See Kathy Keck if interested
Country Breakfast
7 -10am
Remember: if you are unable to join us in person for Sunday Service:
the service will be life streaming on Facebook, beginning at 9:30